Technical & Commercial Reviews and Expert Services
Our rapid early opportunity assessments provide a holistic overview of investment or development opportunities, and identify key risks (including any red flags) and issues. Our roadmap will frame the opportunity, outline a suitable execution philosophy, and identify key next steps towards decision stages together with review/check points.
Our project review services include due diligence assessments, peer reviews, technical integrity reviews or project health checks. We are able to rapidly identify key technical, commercial or organisational issues through making sense of large amounts of available project documentation, and targeted gathering of specific information. We also offer more general mentoring or peer support services through a combination of regular and ad hoc structured conversations.
We can provide specific assistance in key project decisions through an independent stage-gate review or through oversight of the development of decision support packages, starting by framing key problems or decisions. We are familiar with a wide range of evaluation and analytical tools include multi-variate screening, probabilistic decision trees and high level economic modelling. We understand the importance of being able to clearly demonstrate a robust, technically and commercially coherent solution to internal and external stakeholders.
We can also act in an expert witness capacity to provide independent analysis of project decision making and delivery.